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I think we shouldn,t aid these countries charity begins at home what about our land? we are only aiding these countries to exploit their natural resorces.let them figuer out how to be progressive and develop seprately on their own useing their own resorces!


I think we shouldn,t aid these countries charity begins at home what about our land? we are only aiding these countries to exploit their natural resorces.let them figuer out how to be progressive and develop seprately on their own useing their own resorces!


I think we shouldn,t aid these countries charity begins at home what about our land? we are only aiding these countries to exploit their natural resorces.let them figuer out how to be progressive and develop seprately on their own useing their own resorces!


I wish that the Live8 coverage focused more on Geldof's 4 points. Educating concert goers and watchers about what hasn't worked and what might work is, in my opinion, the most positive of possible outcomes from the weekend. I also think the most important of Geldof's "4 points" is #3: if the rich countries reduce or eliminate subsidies and other barriers to trade, poor countries in Africa and other continents will have a much better chance to achieve self-sustaining development. Though I'm not a fan of Bush, I did notice that he proposed to do this for cotton and another crop--provided other G8 nations do the same.

Tery Spataro

Great blog Peter!
Any thoughts on The ONE Campaign? http://www.theonecampaign.com/


This is just such exciting stuff. Great blog.


Great summary! This is just such an exciting stuff.



I can't be bothered with anything these days, but shrug. I just don't have anything to say recently.


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Though I'm not a fan of Bush, I did notice that he proposed to do this for cotton and another crop--provided other G8 nations do the same.


I reallly appreciate what you post here.

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